1986 - Bachelor in Information Science (Fachhochschule Heidelberg)
2000 - Master in International Management Consulting (Lincoln Universtiy, UK)
2001 - Balanced Scorecard (Horvath & Partner, Germany)
2004 - Performance Improvement Specialist (ISPI, USA)
2005 - Certified Project Management Professional (PMI, USA)
2005 - Controller Akademie (Starnberg, Germany)
2015 - Licensed NLP Practitioner & NLP Master Practitioner (Dr. Richard Bandler, USA)
2016 - Certified Neuro Linguistic Seller (Marc Galal Institute, Germany)
2016 - Insights MDI Master Accreditation (SCHEELEN AG, Germany)
2017 - Business Boardgames Trainer Accreditation (Schirrmacher Group, Germany)
2017 - Licensed NLP Trainer with the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Dr. Richard Bandler, USA)
2018 - Certified Jedox Reporting & Database Specialist
2021 - Psychologischer Berater
2022 - Berater für Systemische Aufstellungen
2022 - UX Designer with Swift UI (Apple Developer Program)
25 years of international management consulting and coaching on improving business processes, creating high performance organizations and becoming industry leaders have given me the opportunity to combine my expertise in artificial intelligence, information management, performance improvement and business process re-engineering to design and deliver innovative solutions that meet the needs and challenges of the digital and augmentation age.
My mission is to enable people and organizations to see beyond what is currently possible, develop future perspectives, and find better solutions and opportunities.
More recently I work with clients across various sectors and domains, such as neuroscience, nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics, security, and more, to leverage the power and potential of AI and related technologies. Recognizing the accompanying need for organizational change, I also coach leaders and teams, helping them to create a competitive culture and a mindset that fosters agility, collaboration, and change-ability.